History. Community. The Great Outdoors.

Parks and Lakes

Hubbard is home to its own lake and park system, featuring 5 interconnected bodies of water, public access, fishing areas, and scenery. Multiple green spaces and parks throughout town make for fun and safe play areas for children.

Victorian Home Tour

The explosion of the cotton industry and the collision of transcontinental railroads in the heart of Hubbard made this small Texas town the home to great wealth in the early 1900s - resulting in the construction of some fabulous Victorian era homes. Take a driving tour to gaze upon the historic Hot Well Sanitorium, the Wood-Taylor house, the Wilkes-Barnett home, and many others.

The Historic High School and Tris Speaker Museum

Named for the first Texas baseball player inducted into the Texas Baseball Hall of Fame, the Tris Speaker Museum is the home to Hubbard’s heritage and history.

Serving as the local library and technology center, the Historic High Museum boasts access to historical and genealogical records for the city’s residents, and features displays and artifacts from the founding of the city, its booming heyday, and famous residents.

Hubbard City Rodeo

The Hubbard City Rodeo has a best in class arena for professional Rodeo events. The Rodeo Association is a major contributor to the growth of Hubbard, and weekend competitions feature bull riding, broncos, barrel racing, and more classic competitions. Food and drinks are available and it is a great time for the whole family!